General GPS Decision

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General GPS Decision

Nov 17, 2008
Hamilton, Glasgow
Im coming up on 2 years of owning my GPS, and over the past few weeks ive been starting to think what I can change the car for, as im starting to get a bit bored of it now. The car still looks great and is a great car which I still enjoy driving.

Ive been looking at Honda type r’s as ive always liked these, recently ive been looking at the EP3 Final editions with the recaros and also fresh import EK9’s.

The GPS is comfortable, well spec’d and easy to drive with plenty of power low down. The Hondas have to be driven hard and have a much harder ride and not as well equipped/spec’d. But they are great fun to drive and sound amazing.

Do you think this would be a step down moving to the Honda, especially as the EK9’s are now about 12-14 years old.

Other option is a remap for my car, but if im starting to get bored now, will I get bored of the map quickly, and this may be wasted money which I could be saving.

I went from a Sporting (Owned 11 Months) to an Abarth Grande because I wanted a faster/different car - bored of sporting and while I am now not bored im more complaicent with the car after owning it just 3 months, I was amazed by speed difference and handling etc but now used to it so it just seems standard etc, however you will often see me in the driving seat of my car with a big smile on my face as I love driving it :)

The problem is that when you get a "new" thing its instantly fun to have etc, but after a while you will become used to it and bored. I would suggest keeping it if you enjoy driving it, as thats what your meant to do, enjoy driving!

But put money aside and then in the future maybe get another car, its still in "warranty"

You may have problems possibly mechanical with the car being 12-14 years old and therefore increased running costs and increased insurance costs as the GPS is a low group for its power and handling in my eyes. Also as you said driven hard to get the most from them and the engine thrashed for the VTEC to kick in, meaning more wear etc.

Best advice I can give other than the above is write a list of Pro's and Con's of each. Compare the two and then take into account the above about costs and remove the bored/new car arguement

Edit - Also the hard ride can be annoying on longer journeys especially on bouncy A/M roads! And if the honda has to be driven hard to be fun to drive then you will hate it driving around at a sensible pace!
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I see where you are coming from, more power is fun for a bit, untill you get used to it and get bored.

Il weigh up the options of my M-jet and the EK9, two completely different cars.

I don’t do much mileage anyway, so ride quality isn’t really an issue over long journeys.

I had a shot of my friends Civic, with a similar engine to the EK9, it was fine to drive normally, and if you wanted it to be an animal it was fine. Regular servicing is the key and his was on 120k, miles and had no problems at all. The engines are pretty much bullet proof and designed to rev high. I would only go for a well looked after fresh import or a very well maintained car already here.

With regards to warranty, this may be an issue if something was to go wrong, however I cant think of any cars in warranty that offer fun anywhere near the EK9, I could be wrong though.