General Flame Throwing Panda

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General Flame Throwing Panda

Apr 30, 2002
Anyone who went to donny show on the saturday maybe sunday[?] would have seen the flamer kit on the panda, my mates mate who had the green/blue corsa was also showing of his flamer kit.

He asked the guy who owned the panda about his car and he said it kicks out about 290 bhp[:0][:0][:0], this maybe true and hopefully it is:D:D:D


A flame kit is a butane or propane gas injection kit that is mounted in the exhaust pipe. At a flick of a switch, it produces great flames right out of the exhaust. it looks cool, untill it grabs the attention of the police :D

But what's that about the 290Hp Panda? I really think he must been mistaken. Up to 150Hp I could've believed that story, but 290? There's just no way any FIRE engine could be pushed to 290Hp, and even with another engine (V8?) it's very unlikely the chassis can cope with such forces. If the car really did have 290Hp, I'd say it's some Porsche or something with the bodywork of a Panda [8D] (everybody knows Panda's look way better than Porsches, right?)

~~Nulla Tenaci Invia est Via~~
i forgot to mention, I didn't think 290 was possible until I saw the size of the panda it was much wider than the normal panda. I will try and find some pics and post them up here

You can get those kits for £90, look in max power. they use a spark plug tho, not gas, which just ignites the unburt fuel.... woo hoo!


bravo 1.6sx
looks: momo twin 17" alloys, debadged, smoked headlights, black side repeaters, black rear clusters, midnight window tint
feels: apex 40mm lower springs, apex sports shock's, k&n 57i induction
sounds: pioneer deh-7400mp, pioneer tse-6995 (rear)
i got a website for the flaming panda

i quoted the 290bhp wrongs its 200+bhp


Whoa! Now that's one cool Panda [}:)] too bad there's no way one could get a mod like that aproved for road use here in Holland. ;) Thanks a lot for the link though! Awesome car, I love it!

~~Nulla Tenaci Invia est Via~~
<blockquote id="quote"> face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">There's just no way any FIRE engine could be pushed to 290Hp<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

Err... hes got 200bhp+ because hes fited a RS Turbo engine in the rear!!!

"The Not so Fast but Furious"
<blockquote id="quote"> face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">Originally posted by cinqmeister
True, but A cinq doesn't need such things to turn heads
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

which way;):p:D[8D]:I[:eek:)][8)][:0][^]


Wanted Seicento Arbarth Wheels or any 14"+ to fit a seicento