Hi All,
First of all I'd like to thank
@ben for allowing this as an official event. I sorted out an area for us, and that seemed to work on the day. I unfortunately got rather involved in the couple of days before the show as you can imagine, and on the day ran around like a lunatic for 12 hours straight without ever sitting down. The last 2 days have also involved shoving work aside to try to deal with the aftermath.
I don't need to tell Ben,
@dombooth etc what can happen if you try to do an event. I certainly don't need to ask Ben about the finances.
I think in general the show worked, there were a lot of happy folk around as far as I can tell, and everyone wants it done again. What I couldn't do was talk to people much, so I am sorry for that. I did try a few times, but kept getting called to a new crisis. Feedback has been fantastic, and I hope those on the FF stand enjoyed it - genuinely though, I want to know what didn't work if you have comments.
Will there be another? There will be a big inquest on Thursday. It does seem to have worked in every way apart from a huge black hole in the finances - that can't happen again, but it can be avoided if we do it again. When I say huge, yes it really was.
Another one would be good, and hopefully we could properly mobilise the old Fiat Forum for that? Everything (in all Clubs) has faded away in the last 10 years, maybe because certain shows have got jaded and now are fleecing folk for not a lot. We attempted something different and inclusive - did it work for FF? I really want to know if this has legs because I'm going to need ammunition I think - everyone is going to keep looking at the amount we lost (hint it's a lot more than you will think, and we couldn't take that again).
With a year's build up and knowing what happened in year one with a 3 month lead in, does FF want to push to get some of the old numbers back? I'd like nothing more than putting a 50 car stand in pride of place next time for FF - impossible or not?
Seriously, I do also want feedback whatever you think. Attached is a distance shot from Bruce Bradshaw - I doubt he's a member of any Club, but he definitely wants to go again.