Duck tape in engine?!

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Duck tape in engine?!


New member
Feb 6, 2006
Is it safe?! I wouldn't have thought it was, but im a bit desperate!

in my punto theres a rubber pipe where the metal clip has come loose and the pipe has split a bit - so its leaking oil... I stuck some duck tape round it and gonna put cable ties round too (temporary fix!)

Is this alright for now??

How hot does the oil get? Cos the duck tape can only withstand temps up to :S

Any other ideas would be appreciated!!
Its sort of next to where you put in oil....So kinda on the left of the main engine...Yeah on the top. The pipes only 5 inches or so long.

Its a 1998 punto mk1 1.2
oh right thanks! I have to drive 150 miles or so tomorrow - think it will be alright? I'll keep checking on it of course!

I thought it carried oil because there seems to be oil around it...but maybe its leaking from somewhere else :-| Grrr...had so many problems with this car :(
had a vision of you patching up an actual oil leak with duct tape then.. it's fine on the breather. new part is cheap from fiat, my local dealer couldnt find the right part on the parts computer.. if yours has trouble, point them toward the lubrification system section!
s512 said:
oh right thanks! I have to drive 150 miles or so tomorrow - think it will be alright? I'll keep checking on it of course!

I thought it carried oil because there seems to be oil around it...but maybe its leaking from somewhere else :-| Grrr...had so many problems with this car :(

it carries crank case gas, which will include some oil mist back into the intake system to be burnt. even if this pipe were missing,it's not going to cause the car to run badly. it might make the inside of the car whiff a bit with it leaking though. it does on the centos as it is near the inlet for the cabin fan system
Awesome! Thanks!!
I try and get it fixed permanently when i get back :D