General Ducato wont start, help:)

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General Ducato wont start, help:)


New member
May 31, 2024
I got my first Fiat a week ago, its a Fiat Ducato Multijet 160 3.0 2008. It was sitting for 5 years and it will not start. New battery, i get diesel to the injectors, new cranksensor, i cleand the throttle body. It wont even ”jump” when starter fluid is used. I have 4 fault codes, P0089, P0340, P0638, P0403.
I have looked around but nothing seems to help.

I dont know where to begin, so i would love some help with the search for the starting problem.
Fiat Ducato Multijet 160
So, we get that the engine does crank up when you turn the key, but it just doesn't start, right?

P0089 - Fuel pressure regulator
P0340 - means No signal from Camshaft Sensor
P0638 Throttle Error
P0403 indicates that the powertrain control module (PCM) has detected a problem concerning the exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) circuit.

First you need a camshaft sensor and to sort the fuel pressure problem out, maybe a new regulator.

The Throttle error could be caused by bad camshaft sensor, causing PCM to not open it, not having the functioning signal, or could be other problem there, you have to firstly resolve the 2 issues aforementioned and then see if the engine starts or the throttle error persists.
The EGR error is possibly not a big deal, being caused by engine not running and accumulating diesel vapors, or it could be something more serious, you will see how it stands and get to it after the rest of the problems are fixed.
With multiple codes like this, and especially in a vehicle that has been stood unused for many years, I would be looking for wiring faults, corrosion, chafing or rodent damage. The main earth from chassis to engine/gearbox (below the airfilter housing) is a common source of problems on this model as is the wiring around and to/from the ECU and fuse box behind the headlamp on the same side of the engine bay.
Check air intake pipes /filter / everything for blockage.
Check timing belt intact.

Check "Throttle body" not jammed shut.

If it doesn't even try and fire on starter fluid , Either the fluid isn't getting to cylinders or no compression