kimi1984 Member Parked in the garage Joined Nov 18, 2005 Messages 269 Points 95 Location Guildford, Surrey Jan 27, 2007 #1 ok so i debadged my car today, but a cannot get off the glue, i have used white spirit, turps substitute and the hair dryer! any thing else i can get it off with???
ok so i debadged my car today, but a cannot get off the glue, i have used white spirit, turps substitute and the hair dryer! any thing else i can get it off with???
Venters bairns, not bombs. Parked in the garage Joined Jun 17, 2006 Messages 14,834 Points 2,743 Location Hades by the River Styx Jan 27, 2007 #2 I used petrol in the past. Worked for me.
bassy-alex Bassist Extraordinaire Joined Sep 9, 2006 Messages 404 Points 97 Location Birmingham Jan 27, 2007 #3 hot water or WD40 are meant to work... ive also heard of people using fishing line, or a credit card, and "sawing" the adhesive off!
hot water or WD40 are meant to work... ive also heard of people using fishing line, or a credit card, and "sawing" the adhesive off!
Ant1974 Established member Joined Jun 1, 2006 Messages 732 Points 200 Location East Sussex Jan 28, 2007 #4 I removed my badges with dental floss, this removed the glue too. Try some autoglym tar remover
A activematt Patron member Parked in the garage Joined May 1, 2004 Messages 4,217 Points 709 Location Nr Maidstone, Kent Jan 28, 2007 #5 Ive used a mix of just ordinary polish's to autoglym paint renovater for the stubborn stuff..........bit of elboe grease should come off fine
Ive used a mix of just ordinary polish's to autoglym paint renovater for the stubborn stuff..........bit of elboe grease should come off fine