If there is anyone whos is planning to getthere car De-Handled please read the following before you decide.
(i have a de-hanlded car so i am not scaremongering, i love it, but want to make sure everyone is well aware of the facts?
1. you must at all time have a spare fob.
2. never have the two fobs in the car at one time
3. if traveling it can be advised to keep the spare on you some where, ie not in a bag or jacket as these can be left in car but on your person.
4. if the fob is locked inside get the spare.
5. some people advise having a popper button somewhere on the vehicle for safety however this can leave the vehicle in danger of being easily broken into as thieves are aware of areas where buttons can be put no matter how ingenious you think your idea is.
6. never leave the car running or the keys in the ignition, as if the door gets closed by accident the spare fob will be unable to open it.
7. always go for the more expensive option of having both doors on poppers because if one fails you always have back up.
9. never leave both fobs with another driver if you are letting someone borrow your car or is in a garage etc as they will not be aware of the severity of closing the door.
8.be prepared that one day you may have to break your window
sorry of this has put anyone off just thought id pass on the message as i had to learn the above for my self.
make sure when its complete you are very aware of the fobs at all times and know where they both are.
(i have a de-hanlded car so i am not scaremongering, i love it, but want to make sure everyone is well aware of the facts?
1. you must at all time have a spare fob.
2. never have the two fobs in the car at one time
3. if traveling it can be advised to keep the spare on you some where, ie not in a bag or jacket as these can be left in car but on your person.
4. if the fob is locked inside get the spare.
5. some people advise having a popper button somewhere on the vehicle for safety however this can leave the vehicle in danger of being easily broken into as thieves are aware of areas where buttons can be put no matter how ingenious you think your idea is.
6. never leave the car running or the keys in the ignition, as if the door gets closed by accident the spare fob will be unable to open it.
7. always go for the more expensive option of having both doors on poppers because if one fails you always have back up.
9. never leave both fobs with another driver if you are letting someone borrow your car or is in a garage etc as they will not be aware of the severity of closing the door.
8.be prepared that one day you may have to break your window
sorry of this has put anyone off just thought id pass on the message as i had to learn the above for my self.
make sure when its complete you are very aware of the fobs at all times and know where they both are.