Technical Coolant related probably stupid question help please?

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Technical Coolant related probably stupid question help please?

Mar 6, 2013
So when I was working on my car yesterday replacing the oil and fitting the timing belt cover, and my dad looked at my expansion tank and reckoned it needed more coolant in. I said I didnt think so because the coolant needs a lot of room to expand, I know this from when I changed the coolant and replaced the radiator. The coolant was just slightly under the red marker in the expansion tank, and my dad topped it up to just slightly over it. I didnt tell him not to or anything, and he thought it was the best thing to do.

So when I went out at lunchtime to look and see the oil, I noticed on the ground underneath the expansion tank there had been some dripping, and sure enough it was coolant, I lay underneath the car and looked up, there was some little drops on the underside of the lower hose, but I couldnt feel any at the place where the expansion tank joins the main body of the radiator. So my question is this, is there an overflow on the expansion tank that is releasing the extra coolant that my dad put in? Or is it more likely to be an actual leak?
Depending on the design some aftermarket radiators have a small plug which is the red marker you can see from the top (certainly mine has this) the fill level then works like the gearbox, fill untill it starts to run out the hole. This shouldn't leak if it's in right but if yours is like this might be worth taking it out and reseating it.
As a general guide, coolant level should be about half-way up the tank.

If you think it is leaking, dry every damp bit with kitchen paper. Mark the level with a pencil, then go for a short run, enough to get it hot, but not enough to do damage if it leaks a lot.

Without burning yourself, check all the hoses for dampness again, and the tank for any escapes.
Once cooled, check the level against the pencil mark.

If no faults found, re-check daily until the worry subsides, or a leak is identified.

Some cars like to find their own level. Topping up will cause leakage until level reduces to normal. Keep checking to see if it continues to drop, or settles.
As a general guide, coolant level should be about half-way up the tank.

If you think it is leaking, dry every damp bit with kitchen paper. Mark the level with a pencil, then go for a short run, enough to get it hot, but not enough to do damage if it leaks a lot.

Without burning yourself, check all the hoses for dampness again, and the tank for any escapes.
Once cooled, check the level against the pencil mark.

If no faults found, re-check daily until the worry subsides, or a leak is identified.

Some cars like to find their own level. Topping up will cause leakage until level reduces to normal. Keep checking to see if it continues to drop, or settles.

I'm hoping it settles, it would certainly seem to be at the moment, but tomorrow will be the tale of the tape