Technical Compatible Japanese spares for UNO

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Technical Compatible Japanese spares for UNO


New member
Jul 3, 2009
Hi Friends,
I am in a real trouble to find out spares for my UNO 1.0 i.e. Can't I find out compatible Japanese parts which fits for my FIAT. In Sri Lanka very few UNO's available. Some Linea (Indian) and Grand Puntos available. We don't have proper dealer for FIAT here.
If one tried to find out compatible Japanese parts please help me.
For vacuum servo Nissan March K11 OK.
Hi Friends,
No one had made a reply for this means no any compatible Japanese parts or no one tries for Japanese parts.????:confused: But, this is really essential for me as here I am facing a lot of difficulties to find out spares.:bang: If any one there to send required items from any country that also will help me a lot.
These days I am in a bit trouble of high idling of my engine. (Bosch SPI). In Sri lanka no any single part relate to the this unit.
thanks friends
Hi Friends,
No one had made a reply for this means no any compatible Japanese parts or no one tries for Japanese parts.????:confused: But, this is really essential for me as here I am facing a lot of difficulties to find out spares.:bang: If any one there to send required items from any country that also will help me a lot.
These days I am in a bit trouble of high idling of my engine. (Bosch SPI). In Sri lanka no any single part relate to the this unit.
thanks friends

Are you able to access and use sites like ebay? Plenty of new and second hand parts for uno and may cost you a little bit more to get them posted to you
Japanese parts on uno problably they are compatible but is something that requires modify and i never heard of doing back in uk or italy
Good luck
Thanks friend,
I went through the E-bay. Only limited nos. of items are on there. My recent requirement is temperature sensor of bosch SPI unit. its not available with them. Could any one please tell me what are the other sites like E-bay?
Thanks again friends
Hellow there,
I'm from Indonesia...we still have few hundreds uno on the road now in Indonesia. Some spares are still plenty. Regarding your questions, base on indonesian uno user there are several parts from japanesse cars that can be use in Uno...such as rubber axle boots from toyoto corolla, oil filter from Kijang, fuel pump from suzuki carry...Regading your problem with uno 1.0ie, i am afraid I cant be much help as we dont have that model here...we onloy have mk1 1,3, mk2 1,4, uno selecta 1,4 SPI and uno turbo 1,4ie...
The issue of high idling, or jumping revs, with the BOSCH SPI is due to the worn butterfly valve sensor. The unit is calibrated on a flow bench . So you can only replace the whole part. The BOSCH SPI is widely spread over European brands. So you might just search for a working unit by the part number. Note that there are different SPI units so you can´t just pick any one. (An new SPI bottom unit was about 400 €) .High revs are also caused by air leaks in the fuel-air tubing.Check that first by spraying the fittings with a parts cleaner.Idle will change if there is a leak.
Hellow there,
I'm from Indonesia...we still have few hundreds uno on the road now in Indonesia. Some spares are still plenty. Regarding your questions, base on indonesian uno user there are several parts from japanesse cars that can be use in Uno...such as rubber axle boots from toyoto corolla, oil filter from Kijang, fuel pump from suzuki carry...Regading your problem with uno 1.0ie, i am afraid I cant be much help as we dont have that model here...we onloy have mk1 1,3, mk2 1,4, uno selecta 1,4 SPI and uno turbo 1,4ie...

Thanks mate. Its really encouraging me. In here these fellows asked five times more than Japanese similar type one for a fuel pump. Do you having any idea about compatibles for CV joints.? these days my burning issue is that. However thanks for a commenting on my older post.
The issue of high idling, or jumping revs, with the BOSCH SPI is due to the worn butterfly valve sensor. The unit is calibrated on a flow bench . So you can only replace the whole part. The BOSCH SPI is widely spread over European brands. So you might just search for a working unit by the part number. Note that there are different SPI units so you can´t just pick any one. (An new SPI bottom unit was about 400 €) .High revs are also caused by air leaks in the fuel-air tubing.Check that first by spraying the fittings with a parts cleaner.Idle will change if there is a leak.

Thanks friend,
My car is some what old(1995 model) but did only 55000 kms. so can the butterfly valve sensor worn? i'll try to buy it via E-bay. I have search for fiat SPI on e-bay and could't found one. Thanks for replying friend.
Thanks and good luck.
You can check the butterfly valve sensor.
Mark the position of the plate with the plug on your SPI unit carefully.
Then remove the plug and the four screws.
Check the surface for damage of the coating .
The copper leads will show like in the picture.
If that´s the case, the sensor is worn. Usually at the beginning of the surface,as that is used in most times.
Thanks and good luck.
You can check the butterfly valve sensor.
Mark the position of the plate with the plug on your SPI unit carefully.
Then remove the plug and the four screws.
Check the surface for damage of the coating .
The copper leads will show like in the picture.
If that´s the case, the sensor is worn. Usually at the beginning of the surface,as that is used in most times.
Sorry for delayed response. Thank you very much Johorridoh. Today I was able to check my butterfly valve sensor. Exactly the problem was with it. the sliders which are connect to throttle rod badly worn and damaged the coating. With great effort I was managed to remove the corroded particles of the sliders. However they need to replace immediately.
The sad thing was I was unable to find out compatibles from E-bay. I searched for butterfly valve sensor and no items for them. If out forum members could supply spares for people like us it is a great help. payments could be arranged via a credit card. (don't know such facility is available at the moment!)
So your advice was really valuable Johorridoh !!!
Thank you very much again and again.
The Palio range ( made in India) is heavily based on the Uno, so maybe Palio parts are available where you live?
Thanks for the advicce Peter pick-up.
I live in Sri Lanka, the adjoining country to India. Unfortunately no Indian fiats available in here. Till mid 90's FIAT had a very good recognition in our country. At present FIAT is rare brand in here due to bad after sales service. There are only 04 shops available in the whole country so there prices also very high. nearly 500 Unos in the whole country. I like this pretty car very much. But with the time I also had say good bye to her due to lack of parts.
Don´t give up Chamitri
The UNO is still built in some countries of the world.
I advise you to ask for spare parts in this forum and E-bay.
With Pay-Pal trade is safe.
Just look for the original parts number and data of the SPI Unit.
Is a BOSCH or a MARELLI Unit ?
Look for a SPI-unit from a car with low mileage or mostly long distance use.
Good luck !
The old style Uno is still being made in Brazil, but I doubt if many parts are interchangeable...??
Anyway loads of parts are indeed available at Ebay, try f.i , you'll be amazed about how many parts are for sale for your car..!!
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Thanks again Johorridoh. My SPI is a bosch unit. I have seen some German sites having the unit. One more ques. Is that 2 sliders which are rotate with the throttle rod need to purchase separately.? It seems it need to buy separately. But the thing is I don't know the term to identify it.
You gave me a great help Johorridoh. Sometimes I may unable to find the part but, exactly I know now where is the problem. Thank you again friend.
The old style Uno is still being made in Brazil, but I doubt if many parts are interchangeable...??
Anyway loads of parts are indeed available at Ebay, try f.i , you'll be amazed about how many parts are for sale for your car..!!

Thanks Peter Pick-Up, it's wondering me. That site having plenty of items relate to uno. Problem is the language and don't know whether they send the items to my country. I'm try to over coming the language problem. Thank you very much friend.
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You better replace the whole SPI Unit.
You´ll just have to detach both fuel hoses and the electric plugs.
The Unit is joined by four screws inside it.
As I said , better leave the sensor mounted as it´s calibrated on a flow bench.
Use Google translator if you are not shure with Ebay