General Comments please on RED 4x4 sold on ebay

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General Comments please on RED 4x4 sold on ebay


Established member
Oct 21, 2008
Does anyone else think that the £1,020 price paid for a scabby RED 4x4 on ebay last night was caused by ropey bidding?

The quality of the photos was too poor for it to reach that price normally.
I personally wouldn't have paid that on the basis of the photos.

Surely its only redeeming features were the front and rear bull bars and headlight bars and they can't really add £600 to its value.

If that was worth £1020 what price the green Sisley.

Mad forum puchase by MEP?

Will we see it up again?

I too thought it went for far to much. Ropey bidding quite possibly. Although having said that, my iminent MOT failure Sisley went for £620 only a few weeks ago.

Don't forget that the mileage on this Panda is fairly low for a 4x4, most seem to be around the 90-100k mark if lucky, and ofter 100k+.

What might be worth doing is watching it still and seeing if buyer/seller leave feedback for the transaction, as you can't see who's won it otherwise :(

Hi there, i don't post that often here but i was watching this one and agree with you.
The fact it was up to what a decent one would fetch within like a day or so of the auction starting was a little odd too.
Over a grand does seem totally ridiculous!
Either someone with more money than sense, or a greedy and conniving seller!
I posted last night in the auction watch section and word for word what Pandamaniac has just said.....
That green sisley should go for loads but prob wont!!

Could it be geographical????...Some people wont travel to buy...or something was going on with the sale of the red one..:rolleyes:
I would agree that something fishy has happened here. There is no way that car is worth that much. I was interested myself, and thought around £500-£600 MAX. The price it went for is in the region of a really good Sisley in my opinion. Fair comment from MEP about mileage, but overall condition is more important when buying any car, and maybe I'm wrong but the red one looked a bit rough to me.
Mad forum puchase by MEP?

I've had nothing to do with that deal ;)

As for the price- maybe there were extras not mentioned in the text.
Maybe if one called, one was told about silver plated stills? ;)
I did watch this one with interest and noted that there was a flurry of bids early on in this auction.

Sometimes bidders get stuck in and start bidding each other up - the tip here is always know your top price and let the item go once it's gone over that. At least you have put in your best bid. Also bidding early does get the price moving, better to hold off and bid at the end (in my experience).

There have been a lot of 4x4s on of late, now is a good time to get one as during the winter (particularly when it is snowing) the price always seems to go up even more!