It had been locked in a garage for two and a half years, with the handbrake on, three flat tyres and no oil in the sump !
After doing all the required tests, disconecting the handbrake, removing one hub and applying a few gentle strokes with a 10lb lump hammer to the calipers, I was ready for the engine. I cleaned the plugs and carburreter (*never cud spel !)....then inflated the tyres !
Fitting a new heavy-duty battery, putting a litre of oil in the sump and filling the carb with WD40, I turned the ignition on .........only to be blasted out by a radio 4 'in-depth' interview.
Turning the radio off; I pumped the go pedal three times, pulled out the choke and started it. Ten minutes later, I drove it home......... I have a good feeling about this car !!!!!!!!