General Carburettor - Expected garage cost

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General Carburettor - Expected garage cost


New member
Aug 1, 2007
Due to recent problems with poor running, I've decided to put my car in to the local garage for them to check and clean the carburettor out. When I bought the car it had seldom been used and stored for a year or so.

As I'm not confident enough mechanically to undertake this job myself, I'll let a proper mechanic do it. Can anyone advise how much a garage would charge for this?

Many thanks
Provided there is nothing wrong with the carb in the first place a clean up job is a couple of hours tops, if it needs a tune up and resetting at the end of it you can add another couple of hours on to the time (or take it to a respected rolling road that still does carb work)
Difficult to say £35 an hour for a local garage 2 - 4 hours so between £70 - £140.

Before taking it to a garage put up your symptoms on the forum and someone may be able to suggest the cause. Have you done the basics like sparks, air filter, rotor arm, dizzy cap, HT leads, checked the timing sprayed carb clearer in......
Many thanks for your replies which I am grateful.

After looking at various threads on this forum, I took the plunge and very carefully removed the top half of the Carburettor, Unscrewed each jet and sprayed it with Carb spray and carefully cleaned out the float chambers. Unfortunately, I did all this without the necessary new gasket so I have had to replace the old one.(I'll get a new one tomorrow). I replaced all the carb hoses which I bought yesterday, having taken in small pieces for the motor shop to size up and have re-positioned the new fuel filter away from the heat of the engine (As I noticed other members have done). Put everything back methodically and got her going.

Took her for a quick spin and she went like a dream. That was until I got back home and found that idle was eratic and it kept stalling. Again I trawled through the forum and found out that after removing and re installing the Carburettor, I am supposed to adjust the idle and mixture screws to get it idling correctly. Duh !!!

I am very pleased with myself since I am the least mechanically minded person I know and come out in a sweat when something goes wrong with my cars.

I now only have to replace my alternator once again, as the battery light has come on again and sort out the earth lead from the starter motor as I am only getting the engine to turn 2 out of 5 attempts and just get a clicking noise other times. Oh and replace the speedo cable. Oh Oh and sort out the window winder as I think the cable has snapped inside the door. Never ending !!!!

One day I will be able to enjoy the car for more than 10 miles before something goes wrong..........
Many thanks Dave.

Had a look at the kits but have to admit to be puzzled about which one would fit. Does the gasket not require space on the gasket for the floats? My Haynes book says I have a webber 34 DATR.
Would I go for the £12 one?

Many thanks


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Don't tell me that I have to bid against you again. I thought £11.50 would be enough !!!!

It is - The £12 one has new jets included.

I have just discovered this as I bid on the cheaper one, meaning to get the £12 start price one :bang: