Can You Recommend

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Can You Recommend

Feb 16, 2007
Can anyway recommend a good selection of the following. After the winter weather I'd like to give the car a good clean/detail. So, im looking for a decent set of:

Wash foam, clay, sealant and wax.

Cheers guys.

Get yourself on there, the deatiling kits for different colour cars are good.

Theres plenty of stuff on there just search the site, they give good explanations for every product and also tells you which products need to be used in conjunctuion with eachother. Theres also no 'crap' products in the catalog, it's all good stuff!

I use Clearkote carnuba moose for mine and poorboys nattys red wax.
I swear by the Autoglym products TBH they are cheap and easy to get hold of and do a good enough job for me. A good going over with Super Resin Polish (not done the claying thing before looks very easy to fook it up) followed by 2 coats of Extra gloss protection then a good coat of megs stage 3 carnubra wax on top lasts a good while..

as for wash i have just got a big bottle of Megs NTX car wash and that is doing me proud at the moment (seems to make more bubbles be better lubrication than autoglyms car shampoo (which still works fine but at this time of the year with the grit on the roads this has the edge IMO)

And not forgetting my new favorite product at the moment AG's Aqua wax to keep it topped up (which can be used on all surfaces including glass and black plastic.)

people will argue till the cows come home over which exotic wax gives the best shine, But remember caranubra wax is a natural product and hence is attacked by microbes and mother nature where as a synthetic sealent is much more resilient however you don't get as good a shine.. Well thats my take on what i have read from various sources....

(cue the arguments disagreeing with me :D)

might be worth a look and a read on here:
I won't be arguing with you Andy. Autoglym make great products that are readily available.

Go to Halfords and buy

Autoglym Bodywork Conditioner or any other bodywork shampoo
Autoglym Super Resin Polish (Polish/Wax)
Autoglym Extra Gloss Protection (Sealant/Wax)
Autoglym Aquawax (Spray wax for topping up the wax) - very good
Meguiars Quikclay

You could then buy a Carnuba wax to go over the top of the sealant, something like P21s is pretty good but quite pricey.
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thepottleflump dont know if you can you confirm that the 5 ltr drums "EXPRESS WAX" is the same/ similar as Aqua wax? it looks it? 3 cars in the household + relatives and it must work out cheaper in bulk :confused:


Scrub that just found a couple of sites saying it it
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I completely agree that certain AG products are accessible and well priced with quality, super resin is ok as a quick polish until the next weekend but I will always swear by clearkote and poorboys waxes/sealants/polishes/glazes

Imo the shine and protection lasts alot longer
just to give you some idea what the SRP and EGP results look like...

Personally currently use
AG Bodyshampoo (which is crap but I am trying to use it up before replacing it)
Collinite 476s

Gives lovely results even though Azure isnt the best colour to see the results. I did my siter-in-laws red ibiza and it was mirror like finish!
Autoglym and Meguair's i use..
Top stuff i find the meguiar's last longer tho and is more ''foamy''
where as the autoglym is thin and dont feel as if its cleaning the car as good.
but both have a good finishing look :D
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I use Autoglym products on my car as i find they give great results at a very reasonable price, these people that pay hundreds of pounds for a tub of polish need to get their heads looked at, AG does the job, as with the british climate it will just rain the next day (n). I use in the order of:

Autoglym bodywork shampoo
Autoglym super resin polish
Autoglym extra gloss protection

I'm also considering using a tub of DoDo juice as this is specially designed for exotic coloured cars (orange,yellow) i think someone of here used it on there orange GPS and it gave excellent results. :cool:
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I use Autoglym products on my car as i find they give great results at a very reasonable price, these people that pay hundreds of pounds for a tub of polish need to get their heads looked at, AG does the job, as with the british climate it will just rain the next day (n). I use in the order of:

Autoglym bodywork shampoo
Autoglym super resin polish
Autoglym extra gloss protection

I'm also considering using a tub of DoDo juice as this is specially designed for exotic coloured cars (orange,yellow) i think someone of here used it on there orange GPS and it gave excellent results. :cool:

DoDo juice is good stuff.

Nattys red is also good (for red motors obviously)