These ones are photos of gearbox housings produced by (or rather for) FSM, the Polish factory which was producing the licensed 126p. The 7548085 is the FIAT part number.
7A/7B might be the variation. I can't find any information on that that sounds real.
At first I thought that AK132 might be the supplier code, as I was able to trace gearboxes for other Polish models from the same era (125p, Polonez, even Żuk), which definitely couldn't have the same gearbox. Then I have found posts on the Polish internet saying 'the AK132 gearbox' suggesting it could be a type.
But finally I came accross this:
confirming it's the material it's been made of. In that case the aluminium alloy with the a.m. chemical composition. The last column is the sum of impurities.
Another table in the same document (attached) lists the physical properties of the material:
2nd column:
lc - pressure casting
3rd column:
thermal treatment
8th column:
pressure castings, thin-walled with complex shapes for a FIAT license car
This is taken from a Gdańsk Polytechnical University book 'Metallography'.
So I'm afraid you need to give us more details in order to have more info
Looking for this gearbox details I've found a very interesting document, which is a technical information and spare parts catalogue for the licensed 126p.
Of course it's in Polish and missing the last pages with the engine (and probably the gearbox, too), but I will upload it to the forum (download section).