Hi all I am hoping one of the ever useful techs can point me right here. First things first my 2008 Bravo has blown a fuse, its knocked out the air con and the stereo and the rear interior light. Also the canbus. Fuse F39. This is troubling as you can imagine, i cannot read codes. Also the mileage is flashing. The car has never been to Fiat in my ownership until a week before the issue where they reset the service schedule as the car had been serviced elsewhere. Now the car has thrown up several random warning lights but not any that have stayed or have caused anything to not work. The car drives perfectly even when it momentarily said Check Engine. I know this all points to a battery unit but it really is working fine on testing. Alternator too. Remember this car is repeatedly blowing the Fuse 39. An auto electrician of great repute spent an hour plus on it and said in his opinion it is an agressive short and most likely caused by the BCM. Of course Fiat want £558 for the part alone. I have now stripped that out of the car and considering the short is agressive, I see no burning or smell anything from any of it. I have it totally dismantled. I have cleaned up all earth contacts and even every fuse. The only slight clues I have to go on is that the car was fine until i pulled upto a friend locked it and returned opening the tailgate with the remote and placing a heavy unit in there, then opening the doors with same remote and starting the car to then see the lack of centre console and flashing mileage. Occasionally i have to press the remote few times to unlock despite new batteries etc. Any ideas or pointers ? I do not believe the BCM is faulty it is so well made if it is I personally cannot test it, but have someone lined up who can clone it to an identical one from a second hand car for £120, still cheaper than the Fiat price plus fitting which will ruin me to be honest. I personally still think the short is elsewhere.