I'm just after some general opinion from the indefinitely knowledgeable people of the FF.... 
I've managed to save some Blade alloys from a pimply Yoof who was going to put them on his Corsa...
They're not in terrible condition but they've been in the wars at least a bit and all of them are scratched, have some usual kerbing and marks etc. and a couple of them have a minor flat spot on their inner edge. They will definitely need a "repair".
I also don't have centre caps and these seem to be "unicorn poo" kind of scarce.
Anyways.. I priced up the refurb' and added in some extra budget for centre caps (if I can even find any) and The Younger Mrs S. asked whether some aftermarket wheels would be a better option. She's annoying like that..
Anyhow she does have a point. An extra £80 or so would get me a pristine set of some cool/suit the car, brand new 17" alloys.
If I was an insurance firm it would be a no brainer to buy new wheels rather than start to repair the old ones and then maybe find further problems... but the Blades are a) Original Equipment and b) only really suit Stilo and nothing else... and c) a bit scarce these days.. so I'm reluctant to not use them....
What does people reckon?
Ralf S.
I've managed to save some Blade alloys from a pimply Yoof who was going to put them on his Corsa...
They're not in terrible condition but they've been in the wars at least a bit and all of them are scratched, have some usual kerbing and marks etc. and a couple of them have a minor flat spot on their inner edge. They will definitely need a "repair".
I also don't have centre caps and these seem to be "unicorn poo" kind of scarce.
Anyways.. I priced up the refurb' and added in some extra budget for centre caps (if I can even find any) and The Younger Mrs S. asked whether some aftermarket wheels would be a better option. She's annoying like that..
Anyhow she does have a point. An extra £80 or so would get me a pristine set of some cool/suit the car, brand new 17" alloys.
If I was an insurance firm it would be a no brainer to buy new wheels rather than start to repair the old ones and then maybe find further problems... but the Blades are a) Original Equipment and b) only really suit Stilo and nothing else... and c) a bit scarce these days.. so I'm reluctant to not use them....
What does people reckon?
Ralf S.