AutoGlym Bumper Care

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AutoGlym Bumper Care


It's about GO! not SHOW!
Sep 8, 2005
POOLE, Dorset
How many times have you bought a used motor only to notice after a few weeks that the black trim is discoloured with whitish stains and like? This is normally the result of excessive application of polish - very likely applied by the same outfit you've just bought the car from :mad:

In the past I've tried various 'bumper black' like products to cure this but most seem to just attempt to paint the trim black which means after a few months the white stains become noticeable again :(

Recently came across a very understated product from AutoGlym called Bumper Care. Rather than trying to paint the trim this product actually cleans the polish off the trim and returns it to a rich black finish.

If you've got stains on your black trim then I can't recommend this highly enough (y)
you're not being paid to sell these product are you? that advert is better than some that are on the tele.
Kurt said:
Will it work on the blacktrim/rubber around the windows as well as bumpers??
there is actually a specific cleaing product for them, due to the materials they are made from (the window rubbers)

the bumpercare stuff is awesome! wouldnt recomend anything else for the bumpstrips ect!
Thanks for the tip...
I will give it a try :)
I must say that I tried different brands and products and must say that up to now Meguiars products are really, absolutely grand and stunning as well... definitely worth a try...
I'm not trying to sell anything:D ... just sharing my thoughts ;)
T8 care guys,
Enjoy your rides,
A. :wave: