General Armoured Panda - ***Top Gear Spoiler***

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General Armoured Panda - ***Top Gear Spoiler***


New member
Feb 7, 2005
Don't know if you guys know about this or not, but in this months Top Gear mag there is a booklet on the upcoming series. It describes a few of the features they are going to do.


One of which is to create an armoured car on the cheap. They therefore chose a Panda, then proceeded to shoot at it and blow it up. Shocking.

yea :cry: poor panda!!!

Bugger, just spent five minutes squinting and typing that out for you.

Oh well, here it is anyway;
"The modern business person simply doesn't have time to be kidnapped or shot. Thats why many car makers now off fully armored versions of their top lines. But what if your business isn't going quite aw well as you'd hoped, but you still want to protect your inflated sense of self importance? Be cool, Top Gear is here to help - we've built a more affordable armoured car, based on 1994 Fiat Panda. COntrary to popular belief, you can put a price on safety and that price is £3,000. Now all we need to do is see if it works by putting Richard Hammond inside and them firing guns at it."
no, they ruined TG mag, its now to over the top, like a really poor copy of a lads mag, they got rid of all the funny little things likr leftovers, suddenly posting words in bold ( :p ), and the data dad :(

to me it felt like a book that i could ge interested in, not just the car, but bying it for the wirters coloums aswell

i miss old TG, i still have issue 5 that i read and reminice about :p
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Oh well, won't bother then! TG is back on sunday is it? I know it's this month, well, at least I thought they said May.