Technical Advice please - Barchetta engine removal

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Technical Advice please - Barchetta engine removal

Aug 17, 2020
Devon, UK
Hello, I am considering a winter job for my 1998 Barchetta. This would be to remove the engine so that the engine bay can be cleaned up and resprayed to good condition. The Handbook on this Forum is not clear to me about about engine removal. Would this be practical from above? I do not have the tools or clearance to remove the engine from below. Any advice will be appreciated. Thanks.
Hello, I am considering a winter job for my 1998 Barchetta. This would be to remove the engine so that the engine bay can be cleaned up and resprayed to good condition. The Handbook on this Forum is not clear to me about about engine removal. Would this be practical from above? I do not have the tools or clearance to remove the engine from below. Any advice will be appreciated. Thanks.
Don't know if this will help, but is it possible to remove the gearbox first to give you more room to move the engine around. Are you using a block and tackle on a sliding girder or an engine crane.
I know you would still need to put it safely on axle stands on the chassis and remove suspension and driveshafts etc.
Hi BugsyMike, my interpretation of your comment (thank you) is that it is entirely practical to remove the engine from above. If it can only be removed below, then I will be unable to plan for, or commence the work. Reference to the Workshop Manual "kap10_engine01-16" on page 12 suggests that the removal is from above, all of the preparatory work having been completed. No reply requested as I will assume this is the correct approach. Thanks again, LezLezLez.