Technical Advice needed: Total loss of electrics and no engineer can diagnose fault.

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Technical Advice needed: Total loss of electrics and no engineer can diagnose fault.


New member
Sep 15, 2007
Hi All

54 plate Punto active 8v

Bought the car two years ago and it ran fine for a while.

The main problem I am having is that occasionally the whole electrics will cut out. All lights, power steering etc just die. This happens when cold, warm, normal, winter, summer.

Two months ago I went on holiday and when I came back I started the car up. Car started fine but when I pulled off it stalled. After that it wouldn't start. No dash lights, starter motor whirring away but no ignition. RAC Gut spent an hour and half checking all earths, fuses etc but couldn't identify fault. Took it to a garage and they fitted new battery and did an ECU diagnostics check and all was OK.

Last night I was in the Middle Lane of the M6 doing 70 when I had to slow to a 50. As soon as I touched the brakes it died again. All lights on dash lit up momentarily and then all lights went out (except the hazards lucky for me). Turned ignition off and on again but wouldn't start. Managed to roll to hard shoulder and called RAC. I was very lucky not to have caused a mass crash as it was 5.30 pm and the M6 aint a quiet road!

Car wouldn't start although, after about 30 mins the interior lights would come on when previously they didn't. Towed to a garage and 4 mechanics went over it. Dash lights come on when ignition turned but engine wouldn't start. Starter motor worked but no ignition. Nothing. Got towed home and left the car overnight. Tried it this morning and it starts fine and everything is working.

I have been to three separate garages with this and none could identify the fault. I can't reproduce the problem at will. I've lost confidence in the car now and am afraid to go anywhere with it.

One thing the garage engineer said was that my non-standard stereo was wired direct as it will work without ignition and that MAY be the cause. Also, I have noticed that this has always happened whilst under braking.

Does anyone have any idea what the problem could be and what my next step should be? I'm thinking of taking it to a Fiat dealer but would like to try and keep costs down if I can.

Thanks for reading. Sorry for the lengthy post.

If I tell you (assuming i'm right) will you donate £10 to forum?

Why not take it to Fiat garage, surely having a reliable car is essential and dealerships are not that expensive.

I would gladly donate £10 to the forum if your solution sorts the issue. I understand that forums and such don't run for free ;)
you would be best to take your car to a auto electician they will find the problem and fix the problem for you.But it sounds like a lose positive lead thats under the fuse box thats under the bonnet just make sure all the leads are pluged in properly by the fuses that are by the stiring wheel
you would be best to take your car to a auto electician they will find the problem and fix the problem for you

Why not dealer, they have correct equipment, diagrams, system descriptions & technical back up?

In alot of cases (like this one obviously because no one else can fix it) your just wasting time & money so get it to the correctly trained people.

Oi Euperia remember...10 crispy ones;)