General A wiry question...

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General A wiry question...


Owner of Gemma the Panda
Dec 9, 2002
I have a question and I do hope that you can all help me :)

Does anyone else have a fairly substantial sized red plug to the side of their battery? It's linked to the positive terminal and when pulled apart, kills power to everything, save for the dashboard clock.

I'd be very grateful if you could have a look under your bonnet for me please. I'm unsure if mine is unique and someone decided to fit it for safety, or if it's standard so should be left in place.

I'm still having various problems (the list goes on) and today my wallet is £31 lighter after purchasing a new battery. As the radio is dead, and has been since the track rod ends were replaced, a constant live feed adaption is required, so I'm looking at this plug and wondering.

Thank-you all in advance :)

I have a feeling there may be a fairly substantial fuse where you describe - not on the early Pandas, but there on later versions... maybe Mk2 and later.

Will look in a bit:)
Originally posted by John H
Will look in a bit:)

Thank-you :)

Nope, there's no fuse. Well, at least not on my March '92 model. Are you referring to the 100A fuse (or is it bigger than that?) that covers everything? (I think that was on the really late models, the ones with the fuel cut-off switch made from '94).

There's just a connector in this plug and it pulls apart.

Well, I did look...

and there's no sign of anything like that on the CLX -
just four or five substantial red covered cables, straight into the battery post connector.

I must be thinking of another one, or daydreaming[:eek:)]
Thanks for looking John :)

Sounds like mine is unique then B)

A few more observations would clear things up :)

i have one on my panda dance G-plater. i just took a wire from inside the dash for the heater to make the power source for the radio to come on when the ignition is on. Also if you use that plug to make an adapter thn you wont have power for your side lights with no ignition an you clock on you stereo will never tell the time properly and wont keep the radio stations.

laters rich
Having had a look at Haynes, and a think about what you're trying to do...

the standard wiring to the radio (via the clock) is fed off
Fuse 1 and is "always live"

It's shown as a red-green wire. There is also a black in the connector with it which is the earth.

If the clock is still running this circuit would appear to be OK.

The connector is shown as "59010" just to the right of the clock in the appropriate diagram, if want to browse Haynes.

If that is the wiring the radio is wired up to something odd is going on.

Is the radio just "locked out" because the power was removed when it had a security code set prior to the previous lot of work - and need it's code put back in, as it thinks it's being stolen?
Or does it work when the ignition is on, need retuning etc, but loose its mind when you turn the ignition off??
Your red plug sounds a bit like a total immobiliser from a performance supplier, like 'Demon Tweaks'.

Thank-you Pandaboy, John, and Pandafan :)

Pandaboy - I'm intrigued that you have one on a 900, as I do, despite two years difference. Is there a chance you could get a photo of it up here please to show everyone? I don't have a digital camera, but a piccy would help this discussion a lot. :)

John - Thank-you for looking in the Haynes for me :) To be honest, I'm unsure about the wiring, and my Dad tells me what's going on because he understands it.

The head unit is 14 months old and doesn't have a security code because it's a face-off jobby from Clarion. It required a 15A fuse, so we installed a separate feed from the battery with a line fuse, so that it is constantly fed. At the moment, it's not doing anything, and won't come to life. But I'm popping home on 2 June and Dad said he'd get his multimeters out and check it over for me.

Pandafan - Thanks for that info, I had no idea. Like I said, it was in the car when I had it 26 months ago, so I was wondering if it was standard.

i will try and do it.the imobilizer sound like a good point. except mines very loose and sometimes pops off when im at ligt so the car is dead...its very annoying.hehe

laters rich
Got the radio working :) Turned out to be the switch we put in has worn-out B)

BUT, I've only got one speaker working |) Need to check my ISO connectors and generally look at the wires to see if we've trapped anything...
