Technical A few Panda Foibles

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Technical A few Panda Foibles

Jul 24, 2021
Good Afternoon all.
I wondered if some kind soul out there might be able to help me with a couple of things I've noticed with Demon Panda recently.

1. There seems to be a bit of a "dead" spot around 1500 rpm in third gear, where the car judders a bit, almost kangaroo jumping until you dip the clutch and adjust the revs. I have had a similar thing before and had the ECU sent away but it came back that there were no issues, but I think there was an issue in all gears rather than just this one spot in one gear.

2. Being blessed with a 1.2 2004 Dynamic, Demon has a sunroof, but every time you open it and drive along the road it bangs and crashes so loudly it sounds as if it's going to smash at any moment. Is there some kind of clip or such that stops this or is it just a quirk of these cars? It's such a shame as I can't use the sunroof in this lovely weather because it really does seem like at any moment I'm going to be covered in glass! I've had older cars with sunroofs and they never made this much noise.
Panda 1.2 Dynamic
Do you have an engine code reader that does, live data ?

When were the plugs last changed

Take the airbox off and look down the throttle body, is there some mayo
Do you have an engine code reader that does, live data ?

When were the plugs last changed

Take the airbox off and look down the throttle body, is there some mayo
Personally I don't have a reader. Dad has a VERY basic code reader. I was thinking about buying a Bluetooth one off Amazon but haven't got the foggiest what to look for!
As for the plugs, they're going to be changed soon as part of the pre MOT service, so will take a look then. Just wondered if it was a common thing so I could get it sorted while doing the service etc.
Oil over MAP sensor
Plug gap too wide

Would be the most common

Personally I would suspect the MAP first as it only one bolt

But if the manifold has oil sitting in the bottom cleaning it will only last a day or so

.that why I asked what the top of the throttle body looks like, if it's full of mayo it's going to need a rag down there, if it's only slightly oily it's time to pull the plugs and check them
Sunroof is likely after market. I have had many of these over the years and some buffet like mad. Some rooves have worked with the glass removed. others required a defelctor / aerofoil. If you can find / make some tangs similar to the ones that clip the front of the glass into the roof, you would be able to make a deflector out of perspex. This would allow more open roof time. Keep googling sunroof deflector and look on eBay, you might get lucky.
Is the sun roof electric,

Push a button to open
Yes it's electric. The whole roof is glass with the front half opening over the back half.
Don't think it's after market. If so they did a very good job to put it in and look seamless!
I don't have a reader. Dad has a VERY basic code reader. I was thinking about buying a Bluetooth one off Amazon but haven't got the foggiest what to look for!
Good recommendations here:

I would also download the free version at it's what everyone on here uses.

I'd never used a code reader until I got a fault a couple of years ago. I found MES a bit fiddly to set up, but after some helpful advice on here, I wouldn't be without it now.
Seems like it's really not my week this week!

Having had a funny noise coming from the passenger side window for a while I decided to whip the door card off and take a look in case it was something ominous and needed fixing before the MOT next week.
Low and behold, as I wind the window down a touch to see if I can see anything there is a slight snap and a chunk of the yellow plastic clip snaps off! So I ring our local spares shop only to be told it's a fiat dealer only part! 😭😭

Has anyone had any luck with such parts from Amazon or should I throw myself on the mercy of the main dealers? I'm not too keen to use ebay as I've not had good experience before.
Sunroof is likely after market. I have had many of these over the years and some buffet like mad. Some rooves have worked with the glass removed. others required a defelctor / aerofoil. If you can find / make some tangs similar to the ones that clip the front of the glass into the roof, you would be able to make a deflector out of perspex. This would allow more open roof time. Keep googling sunroof deflector and look on eBay, you might get lucky.
Having looked further into it, I think the sunroof was an option on the Dynamic. It sounds like a rubber whatnot or something is no longer absorbing the vibration but I haven't yet had a chance to look properly. Beginning to think the car wants to be a sauna as the passenger front window has issues now too!
Seems like it's really not my week this week!

Having had a funny noise coming from the passenger side window for a while I decided to whip the door card off and take a look in case it was something ominous and needed fixing before the MOT next week.
Low and behold, as I wind the window down a touch to see if I can see anything there is a slight snap and a chunk of the yellow plastic clip snaps off! So I ring our local spares shop only to be told it's a fiat dealer only part! 😭😭

Has anyone had any luck with such parts from Amazon or should I throw myself on the mercy of the main dealers? I'm not too keen to use ebay as I've not had good experience before.
Which one


They both break
They are both getting hard to come by
Which one

View attachment 447160View attachment 447161

They both break
They are both getting hard to come by
The 2nd one, I think? Here are the pics of the piece that broke off. From memory there was already a gap between this bit and the bit still attached to the window. I didn't have my phone on me at the time, nor enough free hands to use it!


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Second hand ones usually break when removing them, although I have harvested a few.
If you try the eBay route, watch out... so far I have been wrongly supplied with Doblo clips, wrong-handed clips and some completely unrecognisable clips.
I still haven't got round to checking whether the clips from Panda rear windows are the same, but its on my to do list.
(As is 3D printing some, when I get round to buying my own 3D printer)

Maybe ?

@irc can you confirm this is the correct part
Part number looks right for driver's window not for passenger according to my notes.
Picture does looks like the correct part for a Panda - the incorrect ones i have been sent in the past do not sit flat on the slider because the groove is in the wrong place.

From EPER I have these part numbers:

71741287 PAD RH Front
71744327 PAD LH Front

(However, @koalar could be correct - I got sent the wrong side when I ordered using the part number...)
Part number looks right for driver's window not for passenger according to my notes.
Picture does looks like the correct part for a Panda - the incorrect ones i have been sent in the past do not sit flat on the slider because the groove is in the wrong place.

From EPER I have these part numbers:

71741287 PAD RH Front
71744327 PAD LH Front

(However, @koalar could be correct - I got sent the wrong side when I ordered using the part number...)
Thanks for the numbers. I can't get hold of our local Fiat dealer by phone, but the next one is about 120 miles away in Norfolk. Mind you, I wouldn't mind a trip yo the seaside...

Link above might help

No idea about the sunroof, none of my pandas have ever had one

There's dozens of threads on this forum if you search

Sunroof rattling (everywhere)

Several, don't rattle when open
Others when the blind is slid back

Quite a few are on the 500 section, but I couldn't find any solutions
Second hand ones usually break when removing them, although I have harvested a few.
If you try the eBay route, watch out... so far I have been wrongly supplied with Doblo clips, wrong-handed clips and some completely unrecognisable clips.
I still haven't got round to checking whether the clips from Panda rear windows are the same, but its on my to do list.
(As is 3D printing some, when I get round to buying my own 3D printer)
3d printer seems like a good idea at the mo. You could make a fortune and help a lot of people in the meantime.

Finally got hold of main dealer, who said the only part they keep in stock for this age Panda is an oil filter!
Apparently you can't buy just the clip, it has to be the whole regulator etc at a cost of £250 and needs to come from Italy!

Needless to say that is not an option so I might have to risk Amazon, or ordering from the Netherlands as has been suggested previously.
I used Tuynder for some hard-to-find 100hp bits a few years ago (pre-BREXIT). They were good then, but no recent experience.
Continental suppliers have generally been less helpful/willing to ship to the UK in the last few years, at least in my experience.
If anyone has a 3D scanner and printer setup I can lend my last pair of genuine undamaged complete clips for the price of the scan file (posted on the forum!)... any takers?