
126 1975 FIAT126 Prima Serie Made in Italy!

みなさんこんにちは^ ^ 日本の中古車販売サイトをクロールしていたら、偶然見つけたのです。 これは運命だとすぐにショップに電話し、2日後には実車を確認しに行き、契約書にサインしていました^ ^ 日本では新車登録扱いとして無事ナンバーを取得できました。 サンルーフ仕様はめずらしいと思います。 まだ解らないことだらけですが、少しずつ手を入れていきたいと思います。 どうぞフォーラムの皆さんの知恵をお貸しください。 よろしくお願いいたします。
Nice one, The little 126 is really becoming an interesting proposition for me, I think they have a smiling face
It looks in very good condition, has it been refitted or original?
Will an early Fiat 126 be unusual in Japan? I hope you look after it and enjoy driving it.
Do you have vintage rally`s? it will fit it there.
What about the end of life laws in Japan or do they not apply to collection vehicles?
When you open the roof make sure the fabric is not trapped under the metal bars at the side.
I always liked the first series, I ran a small restoration garage for 20 years in the Isle of Man.
Will an early Fiat 126 be unusual in Japan? I hope you look after it and enjoy driving it.
Do you have vintage rally`s? it will fit it there.
What about the end of life laws in Japan or do they not apply to collection vehicles?
When you open the roof make sure the fabric is not trapped under the metal bars at the side.
I always liked the first series, I ran a small restoration garage for 20 years in the Isle of Man.
Will an early Fiat 126 be unusual in Japan? I hope you look after it and enjoy driving it.
Do you have vintage rally`s? it will fit it there.
What about the end of life laws in Japan or do they not apply to collection vehicles?
When you open the roof make sure the fabric is not trapped under the metal bars at the side.
I always liked the first series, I ran a small restoration garage for 20 years in the Isle of Man.


