General 165 Eating Tyres

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General 165 Eating Tyres

Mar 30, 2008
Anyone got a 165 care to share how long their front tyres are lasting?

Mines done 8.5k and its looking like its going to need new tyres by the time it gets to 10k! And I would class myself as a careful slow(ish) driver...

Also, anyone recommend somthing better wearing than the sport contacts they come with?

Mine is at 120K miles, will need to do a swap between the front & rear soon, so I reckon they should last a total 250K miles.

Although the Mjet is a bit heavier, it shouldn't eat tyres at this rate, you should consider to get the tracking check by the garage.
I've covered similar mileage and I'm not finding the wear bad, they're a long way off needing replacement. I'd also get them checked if I were you.

Mine is at 12K miles, will need to do a swap between the front & rear soon, so I reckon they should last at least 25K miles.

Although the Mjet is a bit heavier, it shouldn't eat tyres at this rate, you should consider to get the tracking check by the garage.

Damn it! I can't spell & can't count! :bang:
Oooh, how we all wish your first estimate was right. ;)

Due to my 150 being overpowered for the tyres causing frequent inadvertant wheelspins, I can't see my front tyres lasting too much longer! Just passed the 19,000 miles mark.
The original Dunlop sport contact 3 on my 150mjet lasts for 25k miles (I have to swap them over from front to rear.)
Then I replaced them with the kumho ecsta, which lasts just under 30k miles. (again, need to swap them over.)
Just fitted a set of Prestivo Sport yesterday, (WTF!? I heard you said.) They were recomanded by my local tyre place, it only cost 72pounds each but according to him those tyres lasting quiet well, let's wait and see!!!
Just fitted a set of Prestivo Sport yesterday, (WTF!? I heard you said.) They were recomanded by my local tyre place, it only cost 72pounds each but according to him those tyres lasting quiet well, let's wait and see!!!

Went to view a Croma at AvailableCar & noticed they'd replaced the tyres with Prestivo. Argued to be made by Yokohama & dist. in UK by Stapleton's Tyres.

Can you check the tyre plant code on the sidewall? - be interesting to learn where they were actually made.

Thats what i got, my 150 ate my bridgestones in 12k and toyo t1r in 11k.

All depends what you drivng on and how, motorway all the time is better on tyres and not using accelerator, like pedal to the metal.
Went to view a Croma at AvailableCar & noticed they'd replaced the tyres with Prestivo. Argued to be made by Yokohama & dist. in UK by Stapleton's Tyres.

Can you check the tyre plant code on the sidewall? - be interesting to learn where they were actually made.


Well, 95% of my driving is on motorway and I don't spin my tyres or go crazy on bend/ roundabout but still, thats the best I can managed.
Thats what the guy at my tyres place told me, they were part of Yokohama, Which code I looking at, how many digit? will have a look in the morning.
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Which code I looking at, how many digit? will have a look in the morning.

A four character alpha/numeric ... something with FA, FB, FC, FD, FE or 8Z (for Yokohama plants in Japan) or 4U(Phillipines) 5G(Vietnam) 6B(US) or CC(US)
Is the tyre wear even all over tread - wife had hers over inflated on the fronts and because of the heavy diesel engine over them this accelerated the tyre wear tremediously over the middle section of the tyre.

We bought it with Pirelli P7 all round - almost new by the looks and 14K later these were in the bin

Got Falken Ziex ZE912 on fronts at the mo and seem good tyre for the money - 9/10 dry - 7/10 wet - 6/10 snow

VREDESTEIN ULTRAC SESSANTA are supposed to be best overall tyre to price
A four character alpha/numeric ... something with FA, FB, FC, FD, FE or 8Z (for Yokohama plants in Japan) or 4U(Phillipines) 5G(Vietnam) 6B(US) or CC(US)

The code is 4UH8, So it were made in Phillipines, hence why they will last longer as the rubber must be harder due to the hot weather out there?? :confused:
Is the tyre wear even all over tread - wife had hers over inflated on the fronts and because of the heavy diesel engine over them this accelerated the tyre wear tremediously over the middle section of the tyre.

We bought it with Pirelli P7 all round - almost new by the looks and 14K later these were in the bin

Got Falken Ziex ZE912 on fronts at the mo and seem good tyre for the money - 9/10 dry - 7/10 wet - 6/10 snow

VREDESTEIN ULTRAC SESSANTA are supposed to be best overall tyre to price

Yeah even wear across them. I have a friend with a similair powered Astra who has had the same problem, I suspect its the weight and torque of the diesels ripping the tyres to shreds even when driven sensibly.
i got 18k (well was due to get about 20k likely) from my original conti's on the front.... but due to my accident replaced the front two with toyos at around the 18k mark...... there a lot more grippy and actually a slight bit quieter :)

18k is okay for me to replace tyres tbh... its roughly an every year occurance for me (y)
Got Falken Ziex ZE912 on fronts at the mo and seem good tyre for the money - 9/10 dry - 7/10 wet - 6/10 snow

VREDESTEIN ULTRAC SESSANTA are supposed to be best overall tyre to price

Got the Sessanta's on the back of my mjet 150.. Will see how they perform when I move them to the front after the Eagle F1s are replaced.

Just did a search and found this thread.

I've got a 165 and just checking the front tyres and the centres are nearly bare but the sides are fine, and I don't tend to drive like a loony.

The car has only done 7k and since I've had it (from 3k miles+) always checked the pressures and its as marked in the manual at 2.6 bar.

Anyone else found the same problem or is this normal?
when i first got my car.. it was on 8k and the tyres were balled.. had them changed but they were the originals that the 165 comes with i found that pretty shocking as well..

the ones i had fitted when i bought it though after noticin how bad they were have lasted me very well.. i dont think there any decent brand but there not bad at all for grip

keep them at 2.6 bar as well all the time. seem to be wearing evenly and iv done 23k since then so im more then happy that they have lasted that long :)