1.4L MultiAir Turbo Specs

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1.4L MultiAir Turbo Specs


New member
Jan 24, 2015
1.4L MultiAir Turbo Technical Specifications

Hello everyone, this guy told me to create an account and join in, so here I am.

I've been looking for technical specifications for the 1.4L engine that is used is so many vehicles. All I've been able to find so far has been limited to marketing keywords and nothing that I would call "technical specifications".

As best I can figure, it's around 55cm wide, 65cm tall, and 70cm long. Can anyone give me more precise and reliable values? If possible, a 3-view drawing would be outstanding.

For power output, the best I've been able to find is the poorly labeled power curve I've attached below. I'm assuming these values are ft-lbs and bhp, but could anyone clarify or provide a higher quality graph with a more precise horizontal axis?

Similarly, I've been completely unable to find values for fuel flow. All I've been able to find is the fuel consumption for the entire vehicle, which says little about the engine itself. A graph similar to the above, but with fuel flow on the vertical axis would be ideal. Otherwise, how about just a simple table of flow rates for a handful of power settings?

Finally, and potentially easiest, how much does this engine weigh? All I can find is total vehicle weight. What about just the core engine and it's integral components?

I realize this is a lot to be asking in a single post, and even more for a first post. Nevertheless, this is why I joined and I will greatly appreciate however much or little the Fiat experts here can provide.

Power Curve:
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Thank you for that. I understand that the MultiAir is simply the latest in the FIRE series from Fiat and that all 1368cc models are likely to be almost identical in dimensions.

I'm considering this engine as a potential engine for a small aircraft. Unlike many automotive companies, Fiat seems to have a standardized engine to use in many models. In addition, the FIRE series is much more compact than most. The minimal documentation available is troublesome though.

When I tried asking the corporate office, apparently the only technical information available to Fiat is bore, stroke, and displacement. Somewhat hard to believe.