Technical cinq power steering question

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Technical cinq power steering question

Possible, but wildly impractical. You'd need the speed sensor from a Sei gearbox, an MPI ECU (which would mean converting the engine to MPI), to convert to an electronic speedometer and digital mileometer, and then you'd still need the power column and motors.

It'd be easy enough if someone gave you a tail ended Sei, but otherwise, forget it.
I believe that the power steering has it's own ECU, so it only needs a signal when to assist and when not. This signal comes from the mpi ECU, so originally you need an mpi Sei, but i'm pretty sure that this signal is just a +12V when reaching 35mph (or so). It should be able to simulate it using a (punto type CITY) button.

Once i get a used steering wheel ECU, i'll give it a test.