Car photoshoot? Anyone up for it?

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Car photoshoot? Anyone up for it?

Would you be up for a Photoshoot for your car?

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Oct 21, 2005
After speaking to one of the Vauxhall :)yuck::yuck::yuck::yuck:) guys :p he showed me some very nice photo's that him and his vaux crew had taken up north somewhere.

I'mcurrently looking for a place nearer the south that takes professional photo's of cars and ill ask them if they do discounts for group buys.

but obviously there isn't going to be much point in me doing this, if no one else wants to do it.

The vaux people paied £70 for a 2 hour session and they got over 100 high quality (un edited) images and one of their faves sent to them printed on A4.

obviously this might change as I'm not really up for a 4 hour drive to get some photo's done...

but assuming i can find somewhere else (help me people!!!) who would be up for it?

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I'd be very interested in this Owen :D

I saw the pics that the Vaux guys had done and they were top notch (y)

If you can find somewhere that doesnt involve several hours drive and doesnt cost an arm and a leg then I'd definately be up for this :cool:

The Bravo really needs cleaning up before any professional pictures are taken :eek: (doesnt look too bad in low quality pictures but once you look up close at it in real life you see so many little scratches and imperfections :()
i'm a photography student in leicester, with my own digital SLR and access to a whole host of photography gear... id love to expand my portfolio so i would totally take photos for anyone for FREE!! i dont have my own professional printing, (unless its done in black and white film.. then in that case i can print in the dark room, but for cars that isnt too practical!!) so printing of pics would cost abit, but thats still massivly cheap!

just thought id mention it =p
i'm a photography student in leicester, with my own digital SLR and access to a whole host of photography gear... id love to expand my portfolio so i would totally take photos for anyone for FREE!! i dont have my own professional printing, (unless its done in black and white film.. then in that case i can print in the dark room, but for cars that isnt too practical!!) so printing of pics would cost abit, but thats still massivly cheap!

just thought id mention it =p

hmm.... i wonder if we could just rent a studio for a couple of days...


Emails have been sent, waiting upon replies...

sent emails to one in Hertfordshire
the same one the vaux guys used (although i'm not too keen on it)
and another one... i cant remember where that one was...
Rent a studio for a few days? :p Did you win the lottery then? :D

Findign a studio for rent big enough to fit a few cars is a challenge in itself. then to actually rent it for an hour, let alone a few days will cost an arm and a leg :p

I can do some proper photos if i put my mind to it and Ide do it for free (I havnt got the guts to charge for my photographic work). it just takes the right location and the right light etc... I know what im doing but never really have the time to mess about taking pics!.. could arrange a meet round london somewhere and me and cinquepunto and luke etc could all have a play :p I know some good locations round my area. some very good ones infact. Especialy if its industrial/carparky urban backgrounds you want. otherwise got loads of alternative grassy/foresty shots :p Plus i also dont mind taking the rear windows out of my cinq to get some rolling shots (y) :D

Plus i can get full sets of prints on the cheap. although prints probs wont be necessary for this kinda thing.
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Rent a studio for a few days? :p Did you win the lottery then? :D

Findign a studio for rent big enough to fit a few cars is a challenge in itself. then to actually rent it for an hour, let alone a few days will cost an arm and a leg :p

I can do some proper photos if i put my mind to it and Ide do it for free (I havnt got the guts to charge for my photographic work). it just takes the right location and the right light etc... I know what im doing but never really have the time to mess about taking pics!.. could arrange a meet round london somewhere and me and cinquepunto and luke etc could all have a play :p I know some good locations round my area. some very good ones infact. Especialy if its industrial/carparky urban backgrounds you want. otherwise got loads of alternative grassy/foresty shots :p Plus i also dont mind taking the rear windows out of my cinq to get some rolling shots (y) :D

Plus i can get full sets of prints on the cheap. although prints probs wont be necessary for this kinda thing.

Rent a studio for a few days? :p Did you win the lottery then? :D

Findign a studio for rent big enough to fit a few cars is a challenge in itself. then to actually rent it for an hour, let alone a few days will cost an arm and a leg :p

I can do some proper photos if i put my mind to it and Ide do it for free (I havnt got the guts to charge for my photographic work). it just takes the right location and the right light etc... I know what im doing but never really have the time to mess about taking pics!.. could arrange a meet round london somewhere and me and cinquepunto and luke etc could all have a play :p I know some good locations round my area. some very good ones infact. Especialy if its industrial/carparky urban backgrounds you want. otherwise got loads of alternative grassy/foresty shots :p Plus i also dont mind taking the rear windows out of my cinq to get some rolling shots (y) :D

Plus i can get full sets of prints on the cheap. although prints probs wont be necessary for this kinda thing.

ooohhh me likey! especially the rolling shots idea!

I'd be more than happy to pay for that, even if it just petrol money and paying you for your time.

That would actually be quite cool, Meet, clean then shoot :p
they have all got back to me...

the up north people are going to offer us the same deal... £70 loads of images.. but it's up north...

the one in hertfordshire doesn't think it is practical to shoot that many cars in their studio and reccomends finding a loaction to shoot... which we can do with our resident photographer anyway...

and the thierd one seems very expensive...

[FONT=Lucida Grande, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial]"[/FONT][FONT=Lucida Grande, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial]£500 per day plus £20 per image" (n)(n)

[/FONT]I'm really liking the photoshoot locations idea.

so there is a new challenge for you all!

Go out and find a location near you that you think would be good for a photoshoot, take one or two photo's get a rough postcode so we can work out how far away it is from everyone, then email me or pm them to me or jjust post them up here.

i'll put them together in another thread and then we can pick the best one... or two?.. (y)(y)
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