General Front brake pad spring clips

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General Front brake pad spring clips

May 29, 2017
Hi I replaced brake pads and discs on my 1.2 8v 04 Active Punto.

I found there were no spring clips for the pads.

Has anyone on the forum replaced the clips and can they provide some helpful details to help me order the same.

Hi I replaced brake pads and discs on my 1.2 8v 04 Active Punto.

I found there were no spring clips for the pads.

Has anyone on the forum replaced the clips and can they provide some helpful details to help me order the same.

Puntos dont come with new brake hardware as a rule....
You literally get pads
Maybe a new pad wear sensor

But the oad retainer clip that goes in the caliper itself stays put - never had a reason to remove

Hi Ziggy the brakes had no spring clip to start with. Which I didn't realise until I replaced the brake pads and discs. I called Fiat they sell a kit at £50 thats a lot for 2x clips. Would look on ebay but I have nothing to compare.
Just done mine discs and pads on my 2006 1.2 8v active. The anti rattle clips were both there but not like those on the picture. No wear wiring obvious nor any pin on the pads which as long as you take safety and servicing seriously ain’t gonna be an issue
Thanks for the replies.

Just to be clear its the type of springs missing are the type "Judderbar" refers to, click on the link to see a pic.

They must be the anti rattle clips refered to by "Scimitargtc" because my brakes do rattle.
Thanks for the replies.

Just to be clear its the type of springs missing are the type "Judderbar" refers to, click on the link to see a pic.

They must be the anti rattle clips refered to by "Scimitargtc" because my brakes do rattle.

Can you upload a picture please? If S and B says you need another clip I would like him to be able to see what you have on your car before you order anything I recommended.