Film FF - Movie thread

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Film FF - Movie thread

Actually watched The Cable Guy last weekend, some vaguely funny parts in it but on the whole a bit disappointed, I assume this is down to Jim Carrey being a bit dilluted at the time.

I still think The Mask, Ace Ventura and Liar Liar are his funniest efforts.

last few days have been busy in the cinema:

clerks 2: the series, originally a trilogy, which became a 5, now i think this one makes it 7, although jersey girl may not count....regardless, if you watch the movies, and it might help as it back references them, you know the score, high end discussions of movies, profanity of a scale that makes me blush, musical numbers, sex...of the sex is "special" this time. the guys have grown up and moved on, but they've still been left behind. futile attempts to break the monotony of mcjobs and homoerotic self love are just some of the ways they make it through the day. are you easily offended? then i suggest you see this film.....(y) (y)

crank: britains best action export since......well craig fairbrass doent count, he got kicked of a mountain in cliffhanger and screamed like a girl all the way down....still, jason statham, charismatic and muscular, def the only one you could have seen from teh lock stock boys making it, and heres another one that hits home. hitman, on teh run after being injected with lethal chinese herbals, heart rate drops, he dies, kind of like speed, in the body. it does play out like an idie flick though, with all sorts of weird stuff going on, and you're never quite sure is it real of imagined, stand out get his heartrate up, does girlfriend, the lovely amy smart, from a shopping mall, surrounded by hundreds of people...

ricky bobby : see it, you wount beleive what a redneck can do, gary are a god:worship:

btw there was a new trailer for casino rocks, bye pierce, you were good, but there a new 00 in town, and he would kick your ass....
Nice to see some new reviews up, I haven't been to the flicks since the beginning of August and haven't been renting any flicks for ages either, going to get some next week, don't fancy anything at the flicks just now.

Heres my latest reviews:-

Waiting - yeah that film with Ryan Reynolds aka Van Wilder, funny in bits but no real story to it and sometimes you couldn't care what a happened to them, suppose it's worth a watch but I bet you won't revisit it.

Brick - strange title I hear you cry but you get the title once you watch it, was a weird film this, gripping but you need to keep 110% concentration on it cos the dialogue is thick and fast so it's easy to sit there 30mins in and think WTF is going on! LOL the film is summed up at the end if this happens though. No big names in this and a bit of a cult hit more than anything else so not for the mainstream masses.

When a Stranger Calls - god how boring, so boring that I fell asleep and missed the ending or was that the vodkas fault? anyway given what I seen I wasn't compelled to watch what I missed, take whatever you want from that.

The Departed is pencilled in for Wednesday, some reviews say it rocks, on paper it should but I've been let down before (Miami Vice!)

Liam said:
The Departed is pencilled in for Wednesday, some reviews say it rocks, on paper it should but I've been let down before (Miami Vice!)

Went to see this last night, i'll leave a full review to Liam, as i suck and cba tbh.

but i'll just say, Jack Nickelson is (as usual) very good, and i even found myself liking Leo.

Girlfreind said it was crap, when i asked why, she said:

"you know the main charactor, he was really confusing he had a beard in one clip and clean shaved in the next clip, and his hair was different all the time... it was like he was two different people!!"

Yes... she was talking about Leo De Caprio..... AND Matt Damon...

*slap's forehead*
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Semi off topic... i didn't know where else to put it...

so anyway, couple of days ago, i went to a massive freak/geek/Anime/Warhammer/World of warcraft fest at the excel center in london, cruely descuised as a Movies and Television show... and, on the whole it was about as much fun as taking a pis5 on an electric fence.

But, the one and only reason i went, was the fact that the guys from HOT FUZZ, were down there! Yes! Frosty and the Peggster! <3 I love them both!

i know at this point your thinking that this post is starting to sound a little homo erotic...

well... it is...

anyway... so after waiting 4 hours until the guys were supposed to be in the hall for the Q&A session, 2:00 came.

During that 4 hour period, i got chatting to a ginger bloke with a camera, turns out he was the official Hot Fuzz Blogger, if you havn't seen them i reccommend you do asap.. i think... if not just Google "hot fuzz"

Anyway, so next thing i know i've got a camera pointed at my face and i'm being asked questions about hot fuzz and why i'm here, and wow i might be in a blog!!! WOOOOOOO

So We'd already been in the que for an hour an a half, and were at the very front. Turned out the que was over 800 people long, and there just weren't enough seats to hold everyone.
Of course we got out center front seats, and watched the trailers for the movie.

and can i just say now, if you liked Shaun of the Dead, a and/or Spaced, you are going to love Hot Fuzz, from what i've seen, and if Edgar right is anything to go by, this is going to be ten times bigger than Shaun.

I reccommend anyone and everyone goes to see this as soon as it hits cinemas in Feb next year.

So not only did i watch the Hot Fuzz Trailers, I also Got a tshirt, Met and huged! (YES!!!!) :slayer: Frosty, (he called me "big man", and "FAB"), Met and shook hands with Simon Pegg, got some stuff signed, and got in a blog (hopefully) overall it was a wicked day, hope i havn't bored you too much.

Owen :D:D
on a totally different note....

has anyone seen saw 3 yet?

2 words: HOLY SH*T.... :eek:

went to the late night showin last friday, 11:15pm start.... felt sick after the first 5 mins, great start to a movie! (y)

now i love gorey horror movies, still got all 3 hellraiser movies and battle royale on my sky plus, for those rainy days... but anyways, saw 3 is f*cked up! simple as that. some of the sickest stuff ive ever seen, in terms of grusomeness saw 2 is 10 times worse than the first one, and saw 3 is 100 times worse than 2.... but suppose if u are lookin for a not really scary just plain sick / grusome movie, then its awesome.

the dude sat behind me however bought his bird along, she was not happy in the slightest, never heard a woman swear so much in my life lol. :D

basically: awesome movie if u like that style, there is a bit of a story, but it gets lost along the way, semi good twist at the end, but now where near as good as the twist at the end of the 2nd one. and if u dont feel slightly sick after the first 10 mins, then your a better man than i am :eek: :D (y)
Clerks 2. Watch it. It's awesome. Not many 15 rated films where you get to see a donkey being fellated... :D so so so wrong but very funny. And i adore jay and silent bob and their parts are way bigger in this one than the last.

Was Gay!

  • Not Scary
  • Not Gory
  • Tis good that in Saw 3 the writers admitted Saw 1 was gay by explaining why no one knew the alive body was not alive.
  • Twist at the end was a gay one like Saw 1, Can't really figure anything out until right near the end, the main moral was hidden right till the end, whoever says its predictable is just as confused as those that thought it were a good film.
  • I took a Girl to see it I thought she was sleeping, had her eyes glued to the screen, she was not scared at all, only reason she hugged me is because she felt obliged as that is what girls generally do when watching horror films with guys.


Saw III, Pants!