Offer 2 : Adrian Flux - up to 15% discount on your insurance policy!

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Offer 2 : Adrian Flux - up to 15% discount on your insurance policy!

Mar 15, 2002

FIAT Forum Insurance Scheme with Adrian Flux
0800 369 8590

Adrian Flux Insurance Services are pleased to have the opportunity to serve the FIAT Forum and provide its members with competitive and bespoke policies for their FIAT’s and any other vehicle they may own.

As one of the UK’s most respected specialist insurance intermediaries we have a panel of insurers who we will use to find members the most appropriate policy – with of course a club discount.

All this is possible, because we know that Fiat Forum members are enthusiasts of the Fiat marque, who have the experience of handling, in many cases, these performance vehicles and are much less likely to make a claim than the average driver, and so we've been able to create special schemes that reward safe drivers like you.

Get cheaper Fiat Forum Insurance from Adrian Flux.

Tailored to your needs

We have a panel of insurers who are able to provide Fiat Forum /club members the following benefits:

  • Instant quotations and cover
  • Non-standard risks accepted, including:-
  • High risk areas
  • Unusual occupations
  • Convictions
  • Track day cover (please specify if required – not available with every policy)
  • Laid up/Transit/In construction cover available
  • Maximum introductory no claims bonus
  • Full Breakdown and Recovery from £36.00 (optional)
  • Protected NCB available
  • Driving of other cars cover available (differs from insurer-to-insurer, our staff will advise)
  • European Green Card Cover
  • Agreed value cover available – typically for vehicles over 10 years old - (Please ask if the policy provides this at quotation).

Discounts are available for:

  • Security Precautions
  • Experience of driving your FIAT
  • Low mileage
  • Restricted driving
  • Advanced Driving qualifications
  • Discounts for other cars owned and Household Insurance.

Ring for a quote

To take advantage of the club insurance scheme call the dedicated Club line at Adrian Flux on 0800 369 8590 for your quotation. Lines are open 9.00 am to 7.00 pm Monday to Friday. 9.00am – 4.00pm Saturday.

Please mention ‘FIAT forum’ when speaking to our friendly, knowledgeable quotes staff.

Online quote

Please complete the following online quotation form and we will return to you with a quotation:-

Insurance valuations

In most instances we will require the completion of our Agreed Valuation form. This form must be completed, signed where indicated and sent, together with 6 photographs.

These need to consist of photographs of your vehicle taken showing the front, back, each side, engine bay and interior, with one including the registration number.

We require remittance of £15, payable to Adrian Flux Insurance Services to be sent along with the other info to:

Agreed Valuations, Adrian Flux Insurance Services, East Winch Hall, East Winch, King’s Lynn, Norfolk PE32 1HN

General insurance questions

There is a specific area on the discussion forum for general questions about insuring FIAT’s. Adrian Flux Insurance Services will be on hand to answer any questions posted. We have a member of staff – Dan@AdrianFlux who will monitor the forum and offer general advice where requested.
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Re: Adrian Flux - up to 15% discount on your insurance policy!

Adrian Flux Insurance Services are pleased to announce their association with the Fiat Forum all its members' who enthusiastically support the club.

We are able to offer up to 15% discount on policies for Club Members and would welcome enquiries from drivers of all Fiat's - including modified Fiat owners, Imported Fiat's, young drivers and convicted drivers.

Why choose Adrian Flux Insurance Services?

For the past 30 years Adrian Flux Insurance Services has developed into the country's leading agent for Specialist Motor insurance, providing services dedicated to the specific needs of our clients. This enables us to offer all drivers' competitive premiums and excellent service coupled with special discounted rates for Car Club members.

Our 'specialist' schemes enable us to provide very competitive premiums and added benefits such as free legal cover and breakdown cover at only £52 for Homestart and European cover.

Call today on Freephone: 0800 089 0035 or click here for a quote.

Questions? Post to this thread - we have our very own Adrian Flux representative onboard who will be happy to answer them (y)

[FONT=Arial Rounded MT Bold, sans-serif]Hi everyone.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Rounded MT Bold, sans-serif]Just a short introduction. I’m Daniel. I’ve worked for Adrian Flux Insurance for nearly 18 years now.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Rounded MT Bold, sans-serif]If any of you guys on here have any general insurance queries or specific problems with Adrian Flux insurance please let me know. I can assure you I will be completely impartial despite being on the pay roll of Adrian Flux. If we have messed up I will acknowledge that and make efforts to get it corrected, if any of you do not understand an insurers viewpoint I will do my best to clearly explain it.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Rounded MT Bold, sans-serif]It could be problems ranging from simple paperwork issues to major claim disputes. With my years of experience I should be able to answer most queries immediately, if there are issues or a problem that I can’t answer directly I would ensure that a relevant manager investigates these and I would then be able to relay an answer back.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Rounded MT Bold, sans-serif]I hope this will be of some helps for you.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Rounded MT Bold, sans-serif]Thanks very much.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial Rounded MT Bold, sans-serif]Daniel.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial Rounded MT Bold, sans-serif]Adrian Flux Insurance Group[/FONT]
Re: Adrian Flux - up to 15% discount on your insurance policy!

up to 15% discount
is the same as the one offered by chriss knott or is it just an added extra on the quote you provide?

nice to know for july
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Re: Adrian Flux - up to 15% discount on your insurance policy!

up to 15% discount
is the same as the one offered by chriss knott or is it just an added extra on the quote you provide?

nice to know for july


The up to 15% discount off a policy is what we, Adrian Flux offer for forum members, and that is taken into account when getting the quote if you are a member.

Re: Adrian Flux - up to 15% discount on your insurance policy!

Sounds alright, I'll consider you when I take out a new policy next year for my Punto, if you can quote me less than £900. :p Probably unlikely, but you never know...
Re: Adrian Flux - up to 15% discount on your insurance policy!

What are the price add onn's when you have had a crash due to a mechanical fault with the car?

Re: Adrian Flux - up to 15% discount on your insurance policy!


If there is any increase to your premium it would not normally change until your Renewal and it would depend on the rates at time of your renewal.

If this is not the correct answer to your question the please PM me to expand on your question.

Re: Adrian Flux - up to 15% discount on your insurance policy!

hi dan, i am insured with yourselves as form last october and was wondering whether there is any chance of claiming back any money i may have saved from the discount?
Re: Adrian Flux - up to 15% discount on your insurance policy!

hi dan, i am insured with yourselves as form last october and was wondering whether there is any chance of claiming back any money i may have saved from the discount?
If you mentioned FF when you took out the policy it was already covered, I just only made the advert prominent recently (y)
Re: Adrian Flux - up to 15% discount on your insurance policy!

If you mentioned FF when you took out the policy it was already covered, I just only made the advert prominent recently (y)

h i didn't mention it because i wasn't a member when i took out the insurance, i then joined and then found out about the offer only today
Re: Adrian Flux - up to 15% discount on your insurance policy!

h i didn't mention it because i wasn't a member when i took out the insurance, i then joined and then found out about the offer only today


If you would like me to look into this for you, i am more than happy to. Just pm me your full name, reference number and telephone number.


Re: Adrian Flux - up to 15% discount on your insurance policy!

I rang earlier, and you could'nt beat my quote of £950 with 1 accident whatsoever. was £900 more. pmsl
pmsl - just got a quote of £2416.85 on an 2006 punto....

note that my first year of insurance was 1850, second year is 1280.....

so with 2 years no claims I am being quoted more than my first year when i was 17? no thanks...:mad:
hey i've been insured with you now for 3 months but never knew about this offer

is there any chance of claiming back the 15% or getting it taken off the rest of the insurance still to pay?
hey i've been insured with you now for 3 months but never knew about this offer

is there any chance of claiming back the 15% or getting it taken off the rest of the insurance still to pay?


If you would like to PM me your Client Ref I can look into it for you.

Re: Adrian Flux - up to 15% discount on your insurance policy!

[FONT=Arial Rounded MT Bold, sans-serif]Hi everyone.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Rounded MT Bold, sans-serif]Just a short introduction. I’m Daniel. I’ve worked for Adrian Flux Insurance for nearly 18 years now.[/FONT]

Hi Daniel

I don't know if you can help or not. I asked for a quote yesterday on the "click here now" but as yet I haven't heard anything - do you know how long it takes to get a quote through?
I've requested it on my mini but this will be traded in for a 500 in Aug/Sept - my insurance runs out next week, I'm hoping I can swap it over when my 500 arrives?
Many thanks
Re: Adrian Flux - up to 15% discount on your insurance policy!

[FONT=Arial Rounded MT Bold, sans-serif]Hi everyone.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Rounded MT Bold, sans-serif]Just a short introduction. I’m Daniel. I’ve worked for Adrian Flux Insurance for nearly 18 years now.[/FONT]

Hi Daniel

I don't know if you can help or not. I asked for a quote yesterday on the "click here now" but as yet I haven't heard anything - do you know how long it takes to get a quote through?
I've requested it on my mini but this will be traded in for a 500 in Aug/Sept - my insurance runs out next week, I'm hoping I can swap it over when my 500 arrives?
Many thanks


If you would like me to arrange a call back for you please pm me your full name and telephone number, also if you are insured with us your reference. Then i can get someone to call you.

