Last Words

That should round everything off for this conversion, I've tried to describeeverything as well as I could due to a lack of pictures, but as long as you take pictures of where everything goes for the dash loom then you'll be fine. It becomes obvious where everything goes once the loom is clipped into plce though. Also, if you don't have the four digit security number for your Stilo then you won't be able to use the Connect Nav. You can give me an PM and I could email you the firmware updrate 9.8 for it which if you install it will eradicate the need to enter the four digit code (y)

One last thing you'll need to do if everything is powering up and working correctly is to plug in an ELM327 or KKL and carry out the "proxy allignment" procedure. This is needed so that the mileage stops flashing, but it is not necessary to make the Connect Nav or climate control work :)

Enjoy the new toys at your disposal in your lovely Abarth'd Stilo :slayer:
