First thing I'll get out the way is that I'm not the first person to undertake this modification - Clock34 carried this out on his Stilo with success. Unfortunately when his Stilo died on him the opportunity arose for me to purchase what he had for the conversion and I have now successfuly done it to my 1.2!

Overall this conversion is not difficult at all to carry out, the "hard" part is having the patience to take the dashboard and dash frame out - the hardest part really is removing those pesky coolant hoses from the heater matrix in the engine bay!

The main part of this conversion is swapping the heater matrix and wiring loom behind the dashboard in your Stilo (hence removing the dashboard) for one off of a Stilo Selespeed Abarth. The reason, or rather the necessity for swapping the looms is that the SS loom contains the wiring for the Connect Nav headunit and the digital climate control, apart from these two things BOTH WIRING LOOMS ARE EXACTLY THE SAME. Although if your Stilo has ESP as standard - like the 1.8 for example - then the SS loom will also have this included for you in its wiring loom so you can connect them up. These wiring plugs can be ignored on models without ESP as standard - the car will just ignore them as well :)

That's the background info on this conversion, now we're ready to go onto the next step...

Next page: What You'll Need