Technical 1 more week then the soliel is dead

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Technical 1 more week then the soliel is dead


New member
Aug 7, 2007
Hi every one the death of my 899 cinq is iminent which is a sod because it has mot till december(n). The main problem is the front n/s strut top mounting point has rotted and its terminal it has started cracking in about 4 places and 1 crack is folowing the seam.I have done a quick fix by welding it which seems to be holding ok but the insurance is out at the end of the week so the end is nigh for the little cinq.I have just purchaced a cinq sporting its realy ruff but only has to get me to work and back. It has had a shunt up the bum once in its life so the tailgate wont shut properly so the connectors for the wiper and that dont touch eachother:mad: Any ideas how to solve this and also i have a pair of new coil packs i got for the 899 will these go on a sporting or should i just sell them. also i have had to wire in a perminant live feed in to the hazard lights as they wernt working any ideas where to start on finding out why the live feed had gone in the first place.
Coil packs will work with the Sporting.

If the rear of the car is stoved in, take the rear lights out, tie a rope through the light holes then round a lamp post. Drive away slowly with someone watching to tell you when its all back in line.


Coil packs will work with the Sporting.

If the rear of the car is stoved in, take the rear lights out, tie a rope through the light holes then round a lamp post. Drive away slowly with someone watching to tell you when its all back in line.



When you do this down here you make the damage worse, because the lamp post will damage your roof after it fell down.:D
The lamp post sounds like a good idea theres a nice handy one right infront of my mams house. only thing is its only concreted in to grass should be ok if i strap it right nere the bottom. if not we have a jcb at work :D. i just cant aford to damage it to much. Is it just the demister and the wiper that run off the conectors on the boot or do they link up to other things.Also any ideas how to get lockin wheel nuts off with out the key they are the type that have a thin clover like groove in the face of the bolthead. i could do without sacrificing sockets to bray on them also any ideas how to trace why the live feed to the hazards is dead the clock is dead too. some one has put a 40 amp fuse in for the hazards so do you think this will have burnt out a wire
oh yeah as for using an oak tree there isnt many of them accessable enough to get a car nere em unless i do a bit off roading and i found out that cinqs dont go off road verry well when i ripped my exhaust off at the flexi by driving up a jeep track :) all good fun