Technical Fuel Intection related stalling and stuttering

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Technical Fuel Intection related stalling and stuttering

Mar 13, 2008
North West
Today I drove my car and it was stuttering and hesitant, stalled a few times, always restarted but had a slight stutter. I thought fuel pump or intector from it behaviour limped home and undid the fuel cap. I could hear the petrol tank creak as the preasure was released!

The injector light came on twice when the car stalled so maybe theres a code to be read.

Started it with the petrol cap off and it was still stuttering slightly.
Id filled the tank to the brim the night before. and it is still almost full.

:( any ideas ill look tomorrow, Heading out to meet my girlfriend now.
have u checked the maf (mass air filter) it may need cleaning or replacing... problem sounds airflow related.....
sorry i havnt been on on msn recently ardrian probably an injector on 1.4s there prone you have already tested the tank vent taking the cap off so not that fuel pumps are reliable but it could also be a presure related fault but they normaly fail completly or not atall again the presure regulators in the throttle bodys remain reliable

you should also check for air leaks on your inlet manifold buy spraying some wd around the gasket joints wile it runs maybe it's getting too much air as you have only just fit them it's posible your car also has a fuel filter so maybe a blocage but i doubt it would happen so quick

also check all your fuel lines for kinks or twists specialy were you have disturbed them or posably nipped near a jacking point buy axcident
Fuel lines are all ok externaly. I checked and cleaned all the electrical contacts to everything related.

I started the car and let it idle, it was choppy then after about 5min just cut out. Restarted first time but cut out again after another 5 or so min. Its undriveable, juddery and no power at all.

I think ill try a fuel filter first then a scrapyard injector.
Fiat want £250.49 for a new injector!
Cheers Ry.
Fingers crossed it seems ok now. After the engine rebuild id done 400miles some of that was two 90mile motorway stints. All perfect

From cold it was the same stuttering and cutting out with an erratic idle. This morning I tried the car and it was getting a few meters then cutting out.

So I changed the fuel filter, which turned out to be hard work. I could not get the rear on axel stands because the jack was in the way. No way was I crawling under the car with just the jack holding it up, I don’t have any ramps. I had a think and put one side on the curb that gave me just enough room to work underneath.

Started the car and it idled perfectly.
Went for a drive round the block and it was fine. Then went down a road at high revs to give it a test. There was a ploom of grey smoke! Is this down to the new filter getting cleaned out by the petrol? Im sure there would be cack from the manufacturing process.
So then I went on a 20mile drive and everything was fine.
Got back turned it off, left it a while and restarted letting it idle for 15min, all perfect.
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Its still not sorted.
This morning I started it let it idle. It was happy for about 10min with the idle dead on 800rpm then all of a sudden cut out. After it cut out the fuel pump primed twice. The code light stayed on. I restarted and it idled ok.

Then I tried to start it and it came on for a second or so and cut out twice then it stayed on for a few seconds with a very low idle sub-800 then cut out and code light stayed on again. This is exactly the same behaviour as removing the fuel pump fuse.

I can hear the fuel pump prime and spin as normal.

Fiat want £65 for a diagnostic. Sorry but that is too much money (n)

Any ideas. Im thinking injector or fuel pump now. I have replaced the fuel filter.
Hope it works out for you mate, the smoking issue is what you was hoping to get rid of in the first place. I believe the issue could be electrical, as now you are getting the code light appearing. The code light would have something to do with the fuel pump as its disengages the fuel pump for the immobiliser. I would check connectors and spray them with contact/switch cleaner.
Hi Joske

I replaced the injector with a scrap yard replacement and the car has been perfect so far, Just done a 40mile drive.

I will check the exhaust from cold for smoke tomorrow morning. Im crossing my fingers any engine problems will be utterly gutting. (n)

I wonder if the old injector has been overfuling a lot in the cars past, people have said the previous bore damage could have partially been down to bore wash. Perhaps this injector failing was a good thing preventing similar damage to the new block. I done 400miles of perfect motoring after the rebuild, then all of a sudden this fueling problem. Worth noting the car has never missfired since the rebuild
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100miles later and the same problem seems to be creeping back in. Any ideas or advice would be lovely.

Today at idle the car would sit at 800 but then drop revs, each time the car caught it and stopped it stalling. Before the replacement injector it would stall. At say 20mph ive had twitches seems like the engine is braking the car. I think because the revs are trying to go right down..

Could it be bad fuel?

My next moves are to inspect the throttle position sensor and check earth points in the engine bay. Would the idle stepper motor effect the car even driving say at 2500rpm

Other than that all I can think is the loom has a bad wire.

97% of the time the car is fantastic but this niggly problem is annoying I dont think it would be safe on the motorway.

The car has never missfired and there is no odd smoke at the moment. Through all this and apart from this blip the engine really seems gutsy and solid.
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